
Posts Tagged ‘Billboards’

Do You Need a Mobile Site?

March 8, 2010 Leave a comment

You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting someone using an iPhone or Blackberry to connect to the internet.  88% of the United States’ population is a mobile subscriber. Currently 26% of these people access the web on their mobile devices, and this number is projected to grow exponentially in the future.

Mobile phones display websites differently than desktops/laptops/netbooks…iPhones can’t see flash, and anyone who has used a Blackberry to visit more than a couple websites can definitely FEEL the difference between accessing a site specifically optimized for Mobile Devices and one that is not.

If you have a product or service that lends itself to clients/prospects/customers contacting you on the go (locksmith, DUI lawyer, car repair) it almost definitely makes sense to think about setting up a mobile site before too long.  If you do a lot of Billboard or other Out Of Home advertising, I would recommend putting a mobile site at the top of your list!

It can be a simple project to convert an existing site to a simpler version set to display on mobile devices.  Once you have a mobile version, a little piece of HTML code reads what kind of device is accessing your web address and then knows what version of the site (normal or mobile) to deliver.

If you’re not ready to take that leap, but feel like your target market is using mobile devices…try setting up a mobile targeted Pay Per Click campaign.  It’s an easy way to get your feet wet with Mobile and you only pay per call.